
Ahmad Carpets

Famous Hand-made Rugs Distributor of Iran

Ahmad Carpets market is an experienced, well-regarded rugs distributor and market in Iran. With more than 40 years of experience in providing, repairing, and selling diverse styles of traditional hand-made rugs, Ahmad Carpets shines among other carpets brands. Ahmad Carpets has attempted to distribute collections of hand-made rugs in nomadic, village, and rural classifications. Their experience was another suitable remark of this significant market when Ahmad Carpets stated their status was even higher. If you search for a good rugs market in Iran whose fame and services are validated by our team, Ahmad Carpets will be the place.

What Ahmad Carpets Complies

✔ Verified and supported by our team
✔ Ahmad Carpets has one of Iran's most complete authentic Persian carpet collections
✔Ahmad Carpets is perhaps the first online shop for carpets lovers and customers worldwide
✔Ahmad Carpets is the direct portal to most Persian hand-made carpet companies
✔Ahmad Carpets is among the most experienced rugs distributors in Iran
✔Presenting traditional Persian rugs in nomadic, village, and rural types


Get in Touch with Persian Carpet Producers

How to Contact Ahmad Carpets

73, Farashbashi alley, Pachenar Bazaar, Khayam st., Tehran, Iran.


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Common Questions From Ahmad Carpets

Ahmad Carpet market is one of the largest handmade carpet distributors in Iran, which has various Persian carpet types and styles. Therefore, in the Ahmad Carpet market, you can find new woven and antique Persian carpets of different styles. As many special and unique carpet designs and patterns don't use in Persian handmade carpet workshops, most Ahmad Carpet productions with rare and distinctive designs are antique!

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